
Fellowships – LKNOG8


The LKNOG Fellowship Program is designed to provide opportunities for Internet network engineers, operators and students from Sri Lanka to attend the country's foremost Internet Operations and Technology summit. This initiative is open to candidates who satisfy the eligibility criteria outlined below. Selected participants will benefit from invaluable networking opportunities with industry professionals, gain insights into the functioning and activities of LKNOG, and acquire knowledge and experiences that they can take back to their communities to enhance their professional careers and contribute to local development.

Fellowship Package

Applicants selected for the LKNOG8 Fellowship program will receive the following support:

   • 100% waive of the Registration Fees for the Workshop and Conference.

Fellowship Winners

The following applicants have been selected for the LKNOG8 Fellowship:

   • Gayan Pamuditha Liyanage
   • Teranga Piyumalee Ranasinghe
   • Sasindu Nilupul Abhayarathna
   • Isiwara kumarage
   • Dinuka Liyanage
   • Geethike Jayasinghe
   • Thilarah Sammani Gunarathne
   • Kisorjan Jakathiswaran
   • Madhura Jayasundara
   • Nirosha Rathnayake

Important Dates

Time Zone Asia/Colombo (UTC +05:30)

10 July 2024          Open call for fellowship applications
25 July 2024          Application Close
02 August 2024    Inviting Successful Applications to Accept Award
07 August 2024    Acceptance Deadline
08 August 2024    Publication of Successful Applicants


• Eligibility is restricted to individuals residing in Sri Lanka.
• Professional Fellows: Applicants must be currently employed in the field of Network Operations.
• Student Fellows: Applicants should be either Bachelor's or Master's level students enrolled in a relevant field at a UGC-approved university.
• Applicants should demonstrate a history of sharing knowledge and experiences with colleagues and peers.
• Applicants should describe their involvement in the local Internet community in a technical or operational role.
• Applicants who have received a SANOG, APNIC, AprIGF, APIGA, APSIG, IGF, IETF, or ICANN Conference Fellowship within the last five years will not be given priority to be eligible for this Fellowship.

Fellowship Committee

    Pubudu Jayasinghe - APNIC
    René Fichtmüller – FLEXOPTIX
    Tuwan Jaleel - LEARN
    M M Zaheer Hussain – OUSL